Building a Small Business Website: Little Green Helpers

Building a Small Business Website: The story of Little Green Helpers CBD edible catering company

The theme for your next gathering could be CBD catering. Legalized in 2018, CBD edibles have become widely noted as a source of relief from pain and anxiety. More and more people have turned to them for a safe and effective alternative to regular medicine. Building a small business website for a CBD client was a fun and interesting process.

Little Green Helpers, made it their mission to provide top quality CBD products to their clients. Located in Washington DC, they sell their products through their website and locations in DC and the surrounding areas. Working with them for the past four years, we have had the pleasure of watching them grow from a purveyor of snacks to a full-blown catering service.

We caught up with the founder of Little Green Helpers on video chat to see how things have been going.

PRC: A catering company with a CBD edible twist. How did you come up with that?

BR: I had been playing in bands for years and it was time for a change so I went back to the food industry which had always been a part of my life. My father was a chef so I grew up around food. I worked through high school at a local pizza shop.

When my band broke up, I attended Le Cordon Bleu culinary school in Los Angeles and started working in kitchens. I spent 2 years working at Soho House, West Hollywood. They’re a private members only club where I cooked for pretty much every celebrity in town. That was my last restaurant job before I injured my back and had to move back to [my home town of] Maryland where I was told I’d need back & hip surgery. 

After two failed back surgeries and one hip replacement I was in constant pain and started going to pain management. It’s been a life changing experience that I still struggle with but I’m alive and walking which at one point was in question due to my injury. I was given opiates which I didn’t want to get hooked on. 

I was always into cannabis and decided I’d try CBD. After using CBD for a while I started to see improvements and felt I should help to promote it. 

PRC: And that led to you founding the Little Green Helpers company?

BR: Yes, I decided to start Little Green Helpers and put my culinary knowledge to use. I didn’t like the [CBD edibles] options I was seeing so I decided to start doing things for myself. My friends loved my ice cream, chocolate bark, soups, stews, coffee and teas and they became more & more in demand. I started selling the items and getting great feedback so I stayed with it and things have grown from there. 

PRC: For those who are still unsure, what exactly is CBD Oil?

BR: CBD oil is an extract from the male Cannabis planet, which means it has low THC percentage (the part of the cannabis plant that causes you to feel high). It can be taken in liquid form or added to food or drink and has a lot of health benefits.

Building a Small Business Website: The story of Little Green Helpers CBD edibles catering company

PRC: How does it make you feel?

BR: Using CBD edibles will not get you any head high so, I tell people to expect a relaxing effect but nothing too heavy. Being that you don’t get high people say they don’t always feel anything. That can make it hard to tell if it is working, however if they continue to use it, they should start feeling the health benefits. Some people get instant relief, some it takes a few days to feel the effects, really depends on the person and the quality of the CBD.

PRC: What are the benefits of CBD Edibles?

BR: For me, CBD helps me relax the muscles in my legs as I get muscle spasms all the time. It also helps me sleep. Due to my back pain it’s hard to get comfortable so it’s really helped in that area. It also helps with anxiety.

PRC: So tell me more about the Little Green Helpers company

BR: The Little Green Helpers is a CBD edibles company local to Washington DC and the surrounding areas. We make a lot of ice cream, stews, coffees and teas, chocolates and other snack-type foods. 

Originally we sold our products at pop-up stores, farmers markets and pretty much any event where they’ll allow CBD sales. Now we are expanding into catering. We can cook and deliver full meals for individuals, small groups or dinner parties.

PRC: So residents of those areas who are interested in CBD catering can find you on your website?

BR: Yes. Our website has been very helpful with growing our business and connecting with our clients and fellow CBD enthusiasts.

You can find us at to learn more,  purchase products or get in touch to place a delivery or catering order.

*Because CBD still has much testing to be done before it can be approved by the FDA, benefits cannot be made as official claims.

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