Halloween Magic & an Everyday Witch

real witchcraft

It’s that time of year again for Halloween magic. That said, here is a practical twist to something mystical. What if you traveled back to the time of Jesus with a pocket full of Ibuprofen and handed it out to cure headaches? They’d probably consider you a magician…or a witch. 

She Blinded Me with Science

Why are we so afraid of things we don’t understand? So many people “trust science” and guzzle down meds to dull the pain but are quick to assign negative meaning to that which is not familiar. If a doctor had handed out aspirin all those years ago, who knows what they would have done? After all, Jesus was said to have turned water into wine and look what happened to him…

Interestingly, witches were the Shaman, the medicine men, the doctors of their time. Without big-business pharmaceutical companies to do research and create chemicals in a lab, they used what was available to them. Roots and plants, herbs and oils, positive energy (aka positive thinking) to cure everything from sickness to sadness.

A witches book is simply the forerunner to the medical books and even the self-help books of today. Were it not for some unfortunate publicity in the 1600’s they may have just evolved into those people in suits and scrubs you look to every day to save you from yourselves…they would have just looked better doing it.

Enter Semra Haksever

Semra is real-life witch who lives in London and practices good magic. In her own words, Semra describes being a witch “no longer the stuff of broomsticks, black cats and cauldrons, witchcraft is all about self-care in a modern and often confusing world. For all women looking to channel their inner power, make positive changes in their lives, cleanse, heal and embrace a little more spirituality.”

Semra is the founder/owner of Mama Moon, a mid to high end scented candle company. Each candle has a combination of fragrances that are dedicated to achieving desires such as love, wealth and prosperity. She is also the author of four spell books each in their own way focusing on self love. Her books and candles can be found in stores like Anthropologie and Urban Outfitters across the US and UK as well as purchased on her website.

Everyday Magic

In her first book, Everyday Magic, is full of positive energy and inspiration. In it, she dives into lessons on how a spell could have an impact on your future and how a scent can help with your psychology. Think of it this way, when you smell coconut, doesn’t it remind you of a tropical vacation at the beach? Can’t you just imagine spreading that lightly scented suntan oil on your skin as you sip a Pina Colada? Wouldn’t that calm you right down after a long, hectic day at work?

Creating a spell is much like following a food recipe. You concentrate on what you are doing and what you are trying to achieve. On a subconscious level, somewhere in the back of your mind, you might continue to think about what it is that you want and slowly begin to work towards making it happen. Who’s to say this isn’t what the witches meant all along? Maybe we added the “hocus pocus” later for a little flair.

Phoenix Road Creative founder Jennifer Pike finds immense inspiration in this book. She interprets its magic as psychology, and it works for her. The book’s sleek cover and design add a sense of empowerment just by being on display in her home. Naysayers be damned! Feeling good and believing in yourself—isn’t that the best magic of all?

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