10 Reasons Why You Should Choose a WordPress Website

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Here at the Phoenix Road Creative office, we know that WordPress is used by 43% of businesses worldwide including Forbes, Techcrunch, and the official blog of Star Wars. In our opinion, the best you can do is a WordPress website, Los Angeles (and everywhere else too!)

What is a WordPress website?

A WordPress website is one that is built either completely within a WordPress CMS system or a website that uses parts of WordPress CMS as tools within the site.

CMS stands for Content Management System. This is how business owners and/or their marketing teams can add or update content on their websites without knowing how to code. 

A CMS is great for building landing pages for marketing campaigns. It’s also the best way to build pages for SEO. 

Want to react to something going on in the news? It’s much faster to have a CMS and do it yourself. Leave the heavy lifting (ie building new features and functions) for the coders. That’s the way they like it anyway. 

Now, without further ado, here are the top 10 reasons one-third of the corporate world uses a WordPress Website.

1. Easy to Use

WordPress is easy to learn even for the least tech-savvy person on your team (even if the least tech-savvy person is you! 😉). The WordPress dashboard is very intuitive. Changing your website design is simple with WordPress themes.

It will take you minutes to complete web development tasks that used to take hours.

2. Easy to Scale

WordPress is highly scaleable so that your site can grow quickly and easily right alongside your business. This is important because you don’t want to outgrow the functionality of your site. It’s best to set yourself and your website up for success from the outset.

Wordpress Websites, London

3. Completely Customizable

With WordPress, you’ll never be boxed into a corner like you might be with Shopify, Wix, or Squarespace. These other options limit developers in changes they can make to the structure of a website. 

With WordPress, your friendly neighborhood web developer has access to all of the files and therefore can make specialized changes to just about every part of the website.

4. Easy to Integrate

WordPress plays nicely with others. It integrates with pretty much all of the API (Application Programming Interface) software you might use. You can easily hook in your Hubspot, Calendly, and Google Analytics accounts, and all social media platforms as well.

5. The Best for SEO

With WordPress and the Yoast SEO plugin, you will greatly improve your SEO scores on your blog posts and site pages. This plugin provides suggestions for each page and blog post. These suggestions will help you climb to the top of the Google search results with just a little bit of effort.

Want to learn more about using the Yoast plugin? Check out SEO Tips for Writing with Yoast.

6. Picture Perfect

WordPress comes with many extensions aimed at the best possible optimization for your media. It also allows for pretty much any format of media you wish to add.

Learn more about adding images to your website. Read Images for Websites: 5 Tips for Style, Quality, and Sizing.

7. The Need for Speed

WordPress code is written with all of the best coding standards providing the fastest possible loading and user experience. It also has a multitude of plugins that can help you test your site and make it even faster.

A cartoon image of a race car and a race car driver.

8. Mobile Friendly

WordPress is mobile-friendly right out of the box. With so many people using their smart devices for everything from shopping to balancing their checkbooks, it’s important to have a responsive website.

9. Powerful Security

WordPress regularly releases security updates to protect your site from vulnerabilities. A website built in WordPress receives constant automatic updates, making it one of the most secure software platforms currently in the market. 

If your company is dealing with sensitive data, you can install additional security plugins to protect the privacy of your users. Moreover, if your website is ever hacked, WordPress makes it easy to restore your website without losing your data.

10. It’s free!!

An open-source product, WordPress has and always will be available free of charge.

WordPress is the CMS of choice at Phoenix Road Creative. Get in touch if you want to have the best.

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